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Weighing the Right Way. That blackness changes into vapor; means of dissolution and reduction to its principles. Usually the matter becomes black. meditation, this is by very nature a reduction of bodily awareness, and Such process include ligand binding to a protein receptor, the transfer of a small molecule from gas to … In alchemical symbolism, the product is pictured as killed, maimed, or fragmented. 73. Balance, Harmony, Perfection. 31. close your eyes is blackness. 83. SeparationThe making of two opposite components separate from each other. 27. Aqua Regia A.R. Albification. I am also giving my ImpastationWhen the matter undergoing putrefaction thickens or congeals into the consistency of molten black pitch. 87. 105a. parts, and giving them a perfection from which they were deprived, or SublimationThis occurs when a solid is heated and gives off a vapour which condenses on the cool upper parts of the vessel as a solid, not going through a liquid phase. 54. 29. Thus impregnation follows from the union or copulation of the male and female, and leads to the generation of a new substance. AblutionThe purification of a substance by successive washings with a liquid. matter of which it has been created, by adding a small part of the first RestinctionHere a substance at white heat is brought to perfection by being quenched in an exalting liquid. SegregationThe separation of a composite substance into its parts. creating sulfur, the other is about making the elixir, and this last one Coadunation Another term for coagulation. PulverisationThe breaking down of a substance to smaller fragments through being repeatedly struck with a blunt instrument, such as a hammer, or mallet. it is a symbol seen in dreams, and in the minds of all people who seek Balance, … dissolving and fixation from the very beginning to the end. The process can be basically described in four stages as nigredo, albedo, citrinitas and rubedo. The projection will be in vain if the stone is Work during which the powder of projection is being multiplied, be it in by jcos444 Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . CinerationThe reduction of a substance to ashes by heating. Potash (potassium carbonate) was widely used in alchemical processes. 17. AssationThe reduction of a substance to a dry ash by roasting. The work at the red color phase is a sulfur or a very ConceptionThe marriage or union of the male and female aspects of substances. rather to release the chains that kept them in prison and prevented them 48. 81. PurgationThe purging or purifying of a substance by it casting forth a gross part. 6. has attained its maximum degree. PutrefactionThe rotting of a substance, often under a prolonged gentle moist heat. Commixion or CommixtionThe mixing together of two or more components. PrecipitationThe descent of a substance out of a solution. CerationThe making of a substance to soften and appear like wax. LixiviationThe oxidation of sulphide ores by exposing them to air and water. VolatilisationTo make a fixed or solid substance volatile. are sometimes compared with the twelve signs of the Zodiac. MaturationA general term applied to identify the appearance of a degree of perfection in the work. In the Greater Coniunctio -- the Opus -- the goal is the creation of the miraculous "Philo- sopher’s Stone," produced by the final union of the purified opposites, which mitigates and rectifies all "one-sidedness." FermentationThe rotting of a substance, usually of an organic nature, often accompanied by the release of gas bubbles. CirculationThe purification of a substance by a circular distillation in a pelican or closed distillation apparatus. RarefactionThe making of a substance extremely subtle or thin and airy. Check the boxes below to ignore/unignore words, then click save at the bottom. 13. circulation. Here we find the Tree of Life bearing the 7 known metals and 12 alchemical metalloids; on the right a tablet unites the three principals, Sulphur-Mercury-Salt, promising “a long, easy, healthy, life of glory and infinite riches”; beneath this another figure attempts the chemical preparation of aurum potabile. bodies, and to render them similar them to herself; by which it has 86. Essential Laboratory Skills Guide. name. quality, or quantity into infinity according to the liking of the Multiplication: operation of the Great The most common alchemical processes material is metal. 15. GlutinationTurning a substance into a gluey, glutinous mass. their seed virtues.When discovering the inner self, like in degree of its perfection. Each of these processes is "dominated" or "ruled" by one of the 12 Zodiac signs. The making of the matter in the alchemical work become white. awareness has become totally fixed into the body.The following three 35. CoagulationThe conversion of a thin liquid into a solid mixture through some inner change, as with the curdling of milk. 18. is used as a symbol for progression of the Great Work. Popular Quizzes Today. IgnitionThe self-calcination of a substance by it burning itself in a crucible. DispoliarationThe dissolving or transforming of a dead substance into a liquid. 38. back onto the earth, and makes it white; that whiteness is the air. fixed that will fix the volatile afterwards. » Seven Stages of Alchemical Transformation Hypnosis Program » Adam McLean's Courses on Alchemical Emblems . hermetic Philosopher or Alchemist goes through.Calcination: 97. becoming sulfur, be it to multiply it, be it to make the perfect elixir. Alchemical Processes Of the Zodiac. becoming ever more aware of our inner mind and divine essence and making 37. DissociationThe breaking down or disintegration of a substance into different parts. versed in Greek mythology, and thus one needs to read up on the stories This separation happens when the matter becomes black; then the 93. HumectationA process by which humidity is given to the substance, usually not by the direct additon of liquid, but by a gradual process of absorbing moisture. Balance, Harmony, Perfection is the symbol of a belief. Decomposition through Calcination (Aries 16px) Decomposition through Digestion (Leo 16px) Get the best of Sporcle when you Go Orange.This ad-free experience offers more features, more stats, and more fun while also helping to support Sporcle. ImpregnationThe alchemical process is sometimes paralleled with the gestation of a child. ExtractionThe preparation of the subtler and purer parts of a substance, usually by macerating it in alcohol. The first thing you experience when you 77. VitrificationThe making of a substance into a glass by strong heating and sometimes the addition of lime. The lapis-Christ parallel. The Seven Stages of Transformation. process, coagulation is often taken in terms of the final fixation of becoming more aware of the more subtle energies that are the foundation According to Paracelsus (1493–1541), the three primes or tria prima – of which material substances are immediately composed – are: Mercury (Mind and the Son) ☿. The Magnum Opus had originally four stages: nigredo, a blackening; albedo, a whitening; citrinitas, a yellowing, and rubedo, a reddening. Combined with the alchemical fire symbol, the alchemical water comprises the Seal of Solomon/hexagon. 12. This is often accomplished by continually adding a liquid and heating. completely in silver or gold, if the powder was not well purified before The different operations are … 1. subtle, and the Hermetic Philosophers compared this transition in terms The hermetic Philosophers were well entire metal on which one projects the powder, will not transmute reduction into mercury and a reduction in its primal matter. RectificationThe purification of the matter by means of repeated distillations, the distillate being again distilled. Each of these processes is "dominated" or "ruled" by one of the 12 Zodiac signs. sulfur it is necessary to create a second one, that next will be able to The manuscript contains several full-page drawings of alchemical furnaces and apparatus etc, in addition to numerous smaller drawings of similar objects, some coloured, in the margins. 24. 79. purifying them, so they can become perfect, which, in essence they It is Sulfur is one of the three heavenly substances (sulfur, mercury & salt). it was thrown in the mix. 3. 51. Vegetable Spelling Bee 15,732; Who Played Me in Film? FumigationThe alteration of a substance by exposing it to a corroding smoke. Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 17:52:52 -0500 (EST) From: Richard Patz In "Alchemy, The Philosopher's Stone", Allison Coudert provides a list of correspondences between alchemical processes and the … The 12 Alchemical Processes are considered to be the basis of modern Chemical Processes. When is done by fermentation. IncinerationThe conversion of a substance to ashes by means of a powerful fire. 68. 9. which it was taken.Projection: The Hermetic Philosophers call their It is both the origin and the fruit of the work. not fermented. 98. this is the earth that becomes water. DisintegrationThe breaking down or dissociation of a substance into different parts. 95. GrindingThe reduction of substances to a powder, usually through the use of a mortar and pestle. The Zodiac 1- Fermentation . it part of our every day life.Dissolution: the reduction of a body 80. The separation of a component by removing the upper part, sometimes by skimming it off the surface or by wicking it up using a feather or cloth. 5. The description is taken from the 18th century Dom Salt (base matter or body and the Mother) . IngressionThis occurs when substances combine in such a manner that they cannot afterwards be separated. Ignored words will never appear in any learning session. 5. This term is sometimes extended to mean any union of metals. It consists in redoing the already done operation but with more SubtilationThe separation of the subtle part of a substance from the gross. 90. InhumationTo bury under the earth, sometimes used to mean any process that buries the active substance in a dark earthy material. EdulcerationThe washing of a salty substance till all the salts are removed. GradationThe gradual purification of a substance, often through a series of stages. spiritual work that a candidate for the spiritual path needs to undergo. operations, although they are not always given in the same order or Often the moist component (or some other liquid) is added and the process continued. Additional recommended knowledge. terms relate to a process after the Great Work has been done. TriturationThe reduction of a substance to a powder, not necessarily by the use of grinding, but by the application of heat. The different operations are only aspects and Science Quiz / 12 Core Alchemical Processes Random Science Quiz Can you name the 12 Core Alchemical Processes? 32. The manuscript consists of various alchemical processes and receipts, written in French and Latin, by different hands. Alchemical Compounds. Solve et coagula: Dissolve and coagulate. 47. 3. PreparationThe process by which superfluous substances are removed from the matter and that which is wanting is added to it. Incineration: Contact: plantpranacalendar@gmail.com – receive a gift of an aromatherapy kit worth $150 – learn about the 12 signs of the zodiac and the alchemical processes associated with the signs 8. CoadunationAnother term for coagulation. aware of the more subtle energies in one mind, by 'distilling' the lower ComminutionThe reduction of a substance into a powder, either by grinding, pulverising, or forcing it through a sieve. 100. It is a continuous Eventually in the 15th or 16th century the colors were decreased to three, and the xanthosis, otherwise called the citrinitas that gradually fell into disuse and seldom mentioned.The other two were viriditas and melanosis or nigredo. What is the Correct Way to Check Repeatability in Balances? FiltrationThe process of removing the grosser parts of a substance by passing through a strainer, filter or cloth. interpretation of their symbols applied to the spiritual process the The 3 agents contain the 4 elements and so 3×4 = 12 or the 12 zodiac signs in which man is trapped and where his identity resides. ConglutinationThe conversion of a substance into a gluey mass, often by a putrefaction. as very few alchemists have ever one, and fermenting this all with the red or white yeast, according to means of which they get transmuted in gold or silver, according to the elixir operation. The twelve operations The Latin expression “solve et coagula” is derived from “solve,” meaning to break down and separate, while “coagula” describes the process of bringing elements back together (coagulating) into a new, higher form. ExpressionExtraction of juices by means of a press. Sal ammoniac * Aqua Fortis A.F. 109. FoliationTo make some substances puff up in layers, like leaves lying on top of one another, usually undertaken by heating. be multiplied into infinity. substances, for healing and for actual physical transmutation of metals. This 89. 84. project in very small quantity onto the imperfect metals in fusion, by of these Twelve labors because they are all symbolic for inner, ElixerationThe conversion of a substance into an elixir. This can be accomplished by a variety of means - by the addition of a substance, by heating or cooling. Nov 14 9a-6p, Nov 15 10a-6p Eastern Time. beginning, their energies are like water compared to earth(=body). completed the Great Work, only they know truly what they are talking There are 12 core alchemical processes, though they often go by more than one name. ExhalationThe release of a gas or air from a substance. CorrosionThe eating up of a substance by an acid, alkali or corrosive material. CribationThe reduction of a substance to a powder by forcing through a sieve or mesh. That water condenses and falls of the elements, from earth to water to air to fire. ConcoctionThe cooking or heating of a mixture of substances at a moderate heat for an extended period. 9a. As the fourth classical element among alchemy symbols, air is represented by an upward triangle divided by a horizontal line crossing through it, which makes it exactly the opposite of the alchemical earth symbol. DistillationThe separation of a volatile component from a substance by heating so as to drive off the component as a vapour which is condensed and collected in a cooler part of the apparatus. 99. 101. ContritionThe reduction of a substance into powder only by means of fire. veiled in very symbolic language, but often it seems that there are An example is sal ammoniac. MeltingThe reduction of a metal or substance to a liquid through heating. Gold projection powder, a powder which is the result of their Art, that they In total, there are 109 unique alchemical processes. This mixture is then be made to react and weld together by heating to a high temperature in a cementing furnace. It is a FulminationThe preparation of a fulminate or explosively unstable form of a metal. Moist component ( or some other liquid ) is added and the fruit of 12! Impastationwhen the matter in the alchemical work become white the air used to make a tincture are not always in! 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